DvO Tree Nursery Weeding Machines with grass
DvO tree nursery weeding machines: With Grass
- The machine adjusts it own width to the line of trees. When you drive out of center, one side slides out, the other slides in.
- High driving speeds are possible, 16km/h is no problem.
- The full area is cultivated, all the way up onto the stem.
- Hard soils or big weeds we loossen with the Reflex inter row weeder.
- The machine evens field more and more, because of this, later on, the soil can be worked very shallow.
- Weeding can be very dusty, that is why we enclose our moving parts to protect them from dust for a long lasting service.
- Our machines are modular, because of this we can deliver a tailormade solution dedicated to your nursery, plants and soil.
With the DvO weeding machines it is possible to remove the weeds in the rows and between the plants at a very high speed. The soil in between the rows can be cultivated with different systems, depending on your soil and other circumstances such as rocks, cut of branches etc. The soil in between the plants is cultivated with torsion weeders. The torsion weeders travel through the ground, because of their shape and the resistance in the soil they bend away for each plant, cultivating the soil and killing the weeds in between the plants.
The machines have a large capacity and travel speeds of up to 16 km/h are possible. We costum build the weeding machines. This allows us to take into account all your wishes and requirements. In this way we offer you the best solution suitable for your cultivation, crop and soil type.
Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.
Weed control in between the plants on the row
The torsion weeders on both sides of the machine can be adjusted easily and quickly for the best results. The flexible, wear-resistant teeth are set wider than the row width. Due to the resistance in the soil and the driving speed, the weeder turns aside for the plant and quickly jumps back when the plant passed. Because of this vibrating effect, it breaks and cuts the soil, uprooting the weeds.
Reflex inter row weeder
Hard compacted soils and large weeds we loosen with a Reflex inter row weeder. Has it bin to wet too drive or is the soil to hard for the tines. Then the Reflex hoe is the right tool. With trees 1.2m appart we drive up to 7km/h, plants 0,5m appart aprox. 3km/h . For very sensitive plants you can quicly mount a seedling probe.
(Automatic) Widht adjustment
Om variatie in rij afstanden op te vangen zijn de schoffelmachines uit te rusten met een hydraulische breedte verstelling. Als extra optie kan dit volautomatisch. De machine past zijn werkbreedte dan continue aan aan de rij afstand. Hierdoor zijn de torsie tanden uiterst secuur af te stellen en wordt zo het volledige grondoppervlak bewerkt. Tevens corrigeert dit systeem stuurfouten en beperkt zo beschadigingen aan het gewas. (Patent pending).
Very high capacity.
Driving speeds up to 16km/h are no problem. Enough capacity is important. Especially in a wet summer it is important to work as much area on that one perfect day of the week.
Tailor made solution
Our weeding machines are build modular. We assemble them custom made. This allows us to take all your wishes and requirements into account. This way we offer you the most suitable solution for your cultivation, crop and soil type. We offer the following options below:

- ISObus controls, control your machine straight onto the available button in the tractor cab.
- Seedling probe when it is necessary to use the Reflex hoe in very young brittle plants.
- Automatic width adjustment.
- Hydraulic depth adjustment. Adjust the working depth from inside the tractor cab.
- Hydraulically lifting the middle frame and crumbling roll to quickly get rid of caught up branches.
A costumer telling his story:

Mechanical weed control in tree nurseries – weeding tree nursery – Weeding Machine Tree nursery – Orchard – Vineyard – Weeding Machine Fruit trees – Cultivator – Torsion weeder – Weeding in-between trees